Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Cult of Deceit: a.k.a. - The Democrat Party

It is really sad to see Democrats in Washington calling for hearings and prison sentences for Bush Administration officials over water boarding. Especially when almost all of them were aware of the programs, and approved at the time. In fact, in the clip below you will hear Chuck Schumer calling for full blown torture to insure the protection of our citizens. The professionals at Gitmo decided NOT to follow Chuckie's advice. Instead of doing "whatever you have to do", they chose to water board the Al Queda agents in order to gain the information needed to prevent the planned attack against Los Angeles.

I think it is time to refer to the Democrat Party as the Cult of Deceit. Lying has become their default tactic in almost all situations. Truly a sad situation.

In the following video, John Stewart points out the lying and hypocracy of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. You know it is bad when the Congressional Dems can no longer count on support from John Stewart!

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More "Smart Power" from BHO!

"Hey Mr. President, i have a great idea. Let's fly Air Force One over Manhattan, and take pictures of it."
"Uh... that's brilliant! Make sure you fly low and slow, uhhhh and just keep circling over and over. Uhhhhh, maybe we should have some military jets follow behind the plane too. Uhhhh, and make sure that it is a secret."
"No problem Mr. President! We will get right on it!"

What could go wrong? What could possibly go wrong with this wonderful plan? A huge 747 flys very, very low over the buildings of Manhattan while being chased by military jets... what could possibly go wrong? To make things even better, the public will be kept in the dark and the local authorities will not be authorized to comment on the situation because it is a classified secret. So if anyone does freak out and call the police, they will have no freakin' idea what is going on either... this is just brilliant!!
Check out the video to see what happened:

In case you think i am inappropriately blaming the Obama Administration, read this exerpt from the Washington Times:
White House Military Office Director Louis Caldera issued a brief statement saying he was too blame.

"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," he said. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, its clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."

The panic started Monday morning when a backup 747 known as Air Force One when the president is aboard flew by Lower Manhattan with a U.S. fighter jet closely following, rattling windows and causing some limited evacuations.

Over the course of a half-hour starting at 10 a.m, the plane flew low over the city and near the Statue of Liberty.

Obama is just lucky that no one was hurt during this stupid stunt. It is quite remarkable when you think about how many people were running in the streets and totally freaking out with flashbacks to 9/11. No heart attacks or stampeding... he got really lucky this time.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu & Gun Control – compare & contrast

There are over 40 cases (so far) of swine flu here in the United States, all of which originated in Mexico. They have shutdown schools here in Texas and in New York. The government is suggesting that all “non-essential travel” to Mexico be cancelled. They are also advising that people stay in their homes and avoid crowds as much as possible. Over 100 have already died in Mexico, and hundreds more are possibly infected.
When liberals heard that 90% of all guns used to commit crimes in Mexico, were smuggled into Mexico from the USA, they immediately called for stronger gun control laws. Even after that figured is proven to be completely false, they still say that we need stronger gun control here… for the sake of Mexico. Now that we have PROVEN cases of a deadly infection which originated in Mexico, where are the liberals? Why aren’t they demanding tougher customs laws to protect our citizens? Why aren’t they calling for tougher immigration laws? Why aren’t they demanding we build a wall along the border to protect our citizens from deadly Mexican diseases? The truth is that those liberals already had their agenda, and they were just looking for a situation to exploit. It wasn’t really about protecting poor people in Mexico. Now that there is a situation which is threatening American lives, it is not of major concern because it does not fit their agenda. In fact, this situation is in opposition to their agenda of open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. No, we are happy to restrict our freedom and our lives in order to fight the spread of this disease. Restricting the free (and illegal) flow of traffic across the border is considered outrageous, mean-spirited, and unnecessary. Besides, if we do have a full blown outbreak of one form or another, you can always go to your local hospital for vaccines and emergency health care. Unless you live in a border state where many hospitals are closing their doors because illegal aliens use their services and never pay their bills. In those places, you will have to fend for yourself.
I wonder if we can use the bricks from those bankrupt hospitals to build a wall along the border.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What happens when you buy your kids a Mac??

You have to watch this video to the very end to understand the title of this post. It is hilarious!
These kids actually thought they were in control. They actually thought they were doing something positive for NYU. It turns out that the leader (the idiot with the camera) isn't even a student at NYU. He probably lead to the expulsion of dozens of students... and then quietly went back to his own school. This is typical liberalism - get a bunch of people to pay the price for your own stupid ideas.
I weep for the future of our country if idiots like this are allowed to take over... oh wait, we already elected Obama... too late!