Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Response to Lemony Snicket and his Thirteen Observations about Occupy Wall Street

1. No one was ever successful without hard work, so it is logical to assume that the two are somehow linked. After all, when was the last time you met a millionaire who gained their success as a direct result of their laziness? Even an inheritance had to be earned at some point by someone’s ancestor.
2. If “fortune” only has one definition, then fortune cookies are filled with money and luck. No? Well then perhaps the word “fortune” DOES have more than one definition.
3. Money IS like a child… those who are irresponsible & lazy are likely to lose either or both of them.
4. Those who demand cake, are just like those who demand money – they are both ignorant concerning that which makes one healthy & truly happy in life.
5. Anyone who steals ingredients and forces someone else to bake them a cake in a borrowed oven, probably finds it very reasonable to share that cake with others. However, in reality, they will just tell others to steal, enslave and borrow on their own. By the way, what is this obsession with cake??
6. Nobody wants to fall into a safety net because nets are designed to entrap and confine. However, a hammock is just lovely in the springtime.
7. Someone feeling wronged is like someone feeling thirsty. It is just a feeling. Now get off your butt and go get yourself a glass of water!
8. Don’t waste your time asking people if something is fair or not. Life is not fair. Just ask Jesus about it sometime.
9. People gathering in the streets with no other cause except for feeling wronged, tend to become violent. Don’t take my word for it; just ask the French, the Romanovs, the Jews…
10. The idea that people inside of impressive buildings should solve all our problems, is the idea which the Founding Fathers rebelled against!
11. Historically, people standing outside of impressive buildings shouting… have WAY too much time on their hands. By the way, first it was cake and now it is impressive buildings. What is the deal with this guy’s fixations anyway?
12. If you have a large crowd shouting outside your building… it might be Mardi Gras! Oh yeah, it must be Mardi Gras… that hippie just flashed her boobs on TV!
13. If 99 percent of people do not have a roof over their heads, food on their tables, or the occasional slice of cake for dessert (again with the cake??); perhaps they are in Russia or China but that has never happened in America. Give me a break. 99% of Americans are NOT being represented by OWS, so stop claiming it.
Leave Wall Street, take a shower, get a job and vote. THAT is what the 53% do, and we wish that the rest of the population would give it a try.

To read the original list by Lemony Snicket, please follow this link: