Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Cult of Deceit: a.k.a. - The Democrat Party

It is really sad to see Democrats in Washington calling for hearings and prison sentences for Bush Administration officials over water boarding. Especially when almost all of them were aware of the programs, and approved at the time. In fact, in the clip below you will hear Chuck Schumer calling for full blown torture to insure the protection of our citizens. The professionals at Gitmo decided NOT to follow Chuckie's advice. Instead of doing "whatever you have to do", they chose to water board the Al Queda agents in order to gain the information needed to prevent the planned attack against Los Angeles.

I think it is time to refer to the Democrat Party as the Cult of Deceit. Lying has become their default tactic in almost all situations. Truly a sad situation.

In the following video, John Stewart points out the lying and hypocracy of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. You know it is bad when the Congressional Dems can no longer count on support from John Stewart!

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