Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rosie O'donnell exposed!

I can't believe this happened!!
Apparently the professional handlers for Rosie fell asleep on the job, and let her actually say what she thinks!! Isn't this crap the same stuff that killed her last job?? Here is the clip that almost makes me wish i watched The View... almost.

Obviously i used the video provided by I will comment on this more tomorrow.


First of all i must apologize for the title of my post. When i read it this morning i almost threw-up. Then i realized that i was not posting a video of Rosie naked, but one where she tells the truth about what she thinks.

Lets deal with the obvious first... Christians have not been respondsible for this kind of global murder and terror in history. Of course, the first thing my liberal friends will say is "what about the Crusades?" The Crusades ended before 1350... that was over 600 years ago!! They haven't been repeated since then, and no one wants to repeat them now. Besides, muslims killed many more people in the name of Allah during those years than the Crusaders ever could. Do not forget that the 2nd worst butchery this world has ever seen was at the hands of Amir Timur (or Tamerlane) who came to power immediately following the Crusades. He ranks at #2 behind Hitler and just in front of Saddam, who both used modern technologies to kill more people. It is amazing that Timur was able to slaughter so many people only using horses, swords and soldiers. For 500 years Timur was the #1 mass murderer in history, and all so he could establish the first caliphate! Whenever he conquerored a city, he would pile the skulls of the men, women and children he slaughtered into pyramids outside the cities as a warning. It wasn't a warning to the city since all of the inhabitants were usually killed and the city was burned to the ground... it was a warning to anyone who came upon the city later. He would sow salt into the surrounding fields so that noone could ever reestablish a community in areas that resisted him. Many tried to appease him with tributes and treaties, but many times he invaded, conquerored and destroyed them anyway. One particular tactic used exclusively by Amir Timur was the murder of pregnant women. His soldiers were instructed to cut open the womb and kill the unborn first, so the mother had to watch her child die before her own death. Still think the Crusaders were the most evil religious fanatics in history? Think i'm lying? Do a quick search for Amir Timur and read it yourself.

I have never met anyone in my life who actually remembers being a part of the Crusades, and i bet you haven't either... so lets try to stay within the modern age.

So what are some examples of modern "radical Christianity"? Some try to claim that the KKK are/were "radical Christians". This is not a good example for the pro-jihadist argument, since the KKK never even equaled 1% of the total Christian population in America. Also, there are plenty of examples of top Christian leaders, pastors, priests, clergy, elders, laymen, politicians,...etc. who spoke out openly and loudly agaisnt the KKK. Some supported the KKK, but they pale in comparison to the global support for terrorists by islamic leaders. Again, do a little research and you can find videos of thousands of muslims chanting "death to America" and "kill all the Jews" and "Allah is great". At best, you can find old photos and films of maybe 100 people (who knows if they are Christians or not) who supported the KKK.

Others have mentioned abortion clinic bombers as examples of "radical Christians", but this is also a very bad argument for the pro-jihadists. Abortion bombers are always openly rejected and denounced by Christian leaders. I have never heard a prominent Christian leader speak in support of bombing a clinic or targeting abortionists. Where are the donations to the families of clinic bombers? Where are the pledges by prominent Christian leaders to give thousands of dollars to the families of abortion bombers? Where are the shrines commemorating clinic bombers?

No, the truth is that Rosie herself identified who she meant when she said "radical Christians". In reply to the comment that Christians are not bombing ourselves, Rosie responded by saying, "No, but we are bombing innocent people in other countries... true or false?" So she is linking the actions of our government with "radical Christians"?? She is basically saying that America is currently being run by "radical Christians"... so she is talking about President Bush and his administration. This amazing attack by Rosie is easier to understand when you realize that she puts homosexuality above all else. This administration has called for a Constitutional Ammendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman. This is something that radical homosexuals like Rosie cannot allow. Therefore she believes that the Bush Administration is just as threatening to her way of life as radical islamic terrorists. Rosie is insane! Again, do a little research and you will find that Iran (and other islamic states) execute homosexuals routinely. You will also find that homosexuals are lynched, stoned, shot and beheaded by muslim mobs who are goaded into vigilantism by muslim clerics.

If you are really interested in knowing more about this, you can read these exceprts from a "politically incorrect" (and yet very accurate) book about islam.

So on the homosexual issue alone, i am suprised that Rosie is making her claim about Christianity vs. islam. When you factor in all of the other issues like terror attacks, beheadings, brainwashing children to become terrorists,... etc.; it appears that Rosie has no capacity for logical reasoning at all!


Olbermann politicizes 9/11

This has to be one of his most deplorable moments. I cobbled together a quick video yesterday, so i will let the video speak for itself.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

KO is at it again!

The other day i watched the latest Keith Olbermann rant for higher ratings. How crazy can this guy get? He basically claims that the president attacked reporters and journalists by linking them with Al Queda terrorists. What a joke! I read the entire speech, and there is nothing of the sort in there. The President did quote a terrorist letter which described using a media campaign to try to turn public opinion against the administration, but it was a quote from the terrorists... not some conjecture on the part of the President. Also, it was an internal letter stating that Al Queda needed to start a "media campaign"... not to call up their cohorts at the New York Times and MSNBC to spread jihadi propoganda! The President never claimed any linkage between the media campaign and "The Media" or "The Mainstream Media" or liberals or Al Franken or anything of the sort. Olbermann just made all of this up.

Anyway, i edited together another video response. It is good practice, if nothing else and it also gets the liberals over at YouTube all in a tif.
